Mikä neuvoksi? Takavuosina turvauduimme voimakkaasti työväenliikkeen omiin joukkojärjestöihin ja niiden osallistavaan aktiivisuuteen ja ympäristötietoisuuteen. Nyt on aika uudistaa tämä yhteys ja vahvistaa omaehtoista toimintaa. Yksi luonnollinen ja toimiva tie on nuorten luonnonystävien toiminnan käynnistäminen.
Dear Naturefriends,
With this letter, we would like to react on the current developments that are happening all over in the Naturefriends movement. We’re seeing a lot of struggles in various national organizations. Due to a broad scope of circumstances, many Naturefriends organizations are restructuring and are choosing a strategy that focuses on the core elements and activities of their national organization.
As we all know, this has a severe impact on the overall movement. With a European political context that is less supportive of our ideology, national governments that are cutting grants due to federal savings, the NFI office that needed to restructure and the fact that the Naturefriends movement is a greying organization, it brings us, Naturefriends, in a vulnerable position in current times. Of course, the situation does affect the International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) and we would like to use this letter to formulate our standpoint on the approaching changes in the arrangement of the network.
Some years ago, an old Naturefriend from the Netherlands told me: “Grants are addictive, the more you gain, the more you’ll need.” Thanks to the years of support by NFI, we have been able to be less depended on European grants. I wouldn’t call it a comfortable position, but it enabled us to provide international youth work to be proud of. With an office of 3 full-time employees and a community of passionate volunteers, we created projects and activities that contributed to spread the Naturefriends goals, aims and ideology in various European countries.
With the current plan to slender the overall NFI budget resulting also into decreasing the youth contribution from 30.000 to 10.000€, it makes the near future of IYNF very uncertain. In order to manage our office on a daily basis with 3 full time employees, we need the full Youth Budget. A large part of our funding is based on different grant schemes of Council of Europe (European Youth Foundation) and European Commission (Erasmus+ and EACEA). So far, our work has been greatly appreciated by both institutions, resulting in grant applications that received very good scores. However, we would like to stress out the fact that those grants are not a source of income that we can entirely rely on and we can´t take for granted that we will keep being awarded them for the upcoming years. If IYNF would experience a year without these contributions, it would mean severe consequences for its very elementary functioning and even survival! The impact would be most visible in very likely having to decrease the amount of people in the office and subsequently the decrease in our yearly activities leading to overall decrease in new members approaching the NF movement as such. In case of more severe drop-out on the grants, it is even possible that IYNF wouldn´t be able to meet the commitments that are specified by its very Statutes, such as arranging statutory meetings, Council and General Assembly as well as bear the financial expenses of its presence in NFI structures.
When an organization faces aging, the only way to combat this is by recruiting new members into the movement. As the young international branch of the movement, we’re trying very hard to recruit new Naturefriends with all the means we have. A part of our strategy to ensure this is by organizing activities and trainings to teach newcomers how to organize projects, but we also believe that by creating connections between young Naturefriends from different European countries, we build new possibilities and opportunities within the network, resulting in a stronger network for both the young Naturefriends and the adults. For many young Naturefriends, IYNF has played an important role for their involvement on a national level and in some countries IYNF has helped the national youth branch to grow and recruit new members.
Attached to this letter you’ll find all our recent financial documents, a report of all of our activities in 2016 and our internal audit report for 2016. You’ll see that in 2016 IYNF has made a profit of 24.378€. We would like to highlight that this ‘profit’ is in fact only virtual. The reason why you can see it in our balance sheet is because the Youth Budget was officially acknowledged as being received in 2016 for the purpose of book-keeping without the real transfer of the money actually having taken place. If we wouldn’t have included the Youth Budget on the side of 2016 revenues, our financial books would have been closed with a real loss of -4.433€. We would like to stress that this situation has stemmed out of the responsive attitude of IYNF towards the NFI financial challenges during that time in order to help NFI avoid the liquidity problems. The so-called profit doesn´t prove that IYNF did not and does not need the NFI youth contribution, it only proves the cautious and foresighted management of the organization avoiding to spend the money that was not in fact at our disposal. IYNF also managed to close 2016 with this ‘profit’ thanks to having received all the grants applied for in 2016 and having postponed possible investments and reduced meetings and activities. This combination of factors was unique for 2016 and can´t be expected to recur as a rule in the future. You can have a look into the documents attached to this letter, if you want to have a more detailed understanding of the matter.
It is very important for IYNF to let the movement understand that by decreasing our Youth Budget, the quality of our projects and the number of youngsters we want to reach will decrease as well. It will not only affect IYNF, but the whole movement. We are aware of the causes leading to the decision on diminishing the overall NFI budget and therefore also the youth share as a consequence and are willing to discuss this openly and seek for mutually acceptable solutions, but if the planned decrease of the youth share will take place, the consequences for the whole movement will be severe.
One of the core values of being a Naturefriend is about showing solidarity and we are willing to show solidarity towards the overall Naturefriends movement, but we want to emphasise the extent of consequences the youth budget following the decrease of the overall NFI budget would bring, that are very difficult to accept for IYNF. We call on each of the organizations of the Naturefriends network to help us to find new resources. We want you to invest in youth work, to invest in your own future! We are very much willing to help national organizations recruiting new members, but we are not able to complete this task alone.
Until now we have been articulating our stand-points, but we know it´s also important to come with a constructive solution of the situation. IYNF will prepare an initiative motion elaborating further on a suggestion of solution we would like to propose to the Naturefriends movement in order to be able to combine the respected need of decreasing NFI budget with being able to keep the youth contribution on a level that will not threaten the functioning and subsequently maybe even very existence of IYNF. We hope we will be able to deliver a win - win solution and will be happy to share our ideas with you already on Friday before the congress.
With an office of 3 full-time employees and a core group of 15 volunteers we are able to show the world that being a Naturefriend matters. We are active in the European Youth Forum, to advocate for sustainability. A part of our volunteers represented the movement as a delegate in the COP21, 22 and we’re planning to be inside the COP23 as well. We’re making strategic moves to influence the UNFCCC even more by becoming an observer organization and advocate for more climate action. We’ve had opportunities within the European Parliament to advocate for more resources for the Sustainable Development Goals. All of this has been possible partly due to the support of the Youth Budget. Decreasing this budget means decreasing the opportunities for the whole movement. We hope this letter clarifies our standpoint and the importance of it.
We Are The Future! Support Us!
Berg Frei!
Written by Thomas Gits, President of the International Young Naturefriends.
Signed by the current Presidium (2016-2018), Vanessa Rötzel (Former IYNF President 2012 - 2016) and Lars Meulenbergs (Former Vice-President 2014-2016 and current IYNF Representative in the NFI board).
Thomas Gits - President
IYNF - International Young Naturefriends
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11000 Praha 1
Czech Republic
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